Can't update autodl-irssi

Have you guys ran box upgrade and tried the install command once more? There were a few changes to the update/install script to work out some of these potential issues.

It’s worse now, i can’t reinstall autodl :

/usr/local/bin/quickbox/package/install/installpackage-autodl: line 65: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/usr/local/bin/quickbox/package/install/installpackage-autodl: line 65: `?>'


Yes I did and I’m still getting the same error.


Thank you for that report. I just pushed an update that should address this issue now.


updated box, but giving errors updating autodl:

Irssi: Downloading autodl update…

Irssi: ERROR: Updater::_notifyHandler: ex: Undefined subroutine &AutodlIrssi::updateFailed called at /home/bluepower/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 585.

Irssi: ERROR: Updater::_notifyHandler: ex: Undefined subroutine &AutodlIrssi::updateFailed called at /home/bluepower/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 712.

Any ideas of what i’m doing wrong?

I did this modification myself before you pushed the update. I was able to reinstall autodl. But I can’t tell you if the original problem is still present because I updated manually the .irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ folder with the original repo. It worked fine after this.

Edit : And I think maybe you need to escape the “<” and “>” because the conf.php file created was something like this (I don’t remember exactly) :

$ = xxxx;
$ = xxxxxxxx;

And put the $autodlPassword value between quotes :slight_smile:

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Corrected below, thank you for pointing that out! :smiley:

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hmm just made a fresh install for a friend of mine and the error is still there.

16.04 Ubun
apt-get -yqq update; apt-get -yqq upgrade; apt-get -yqq install git lsb-release;
git clone /etc/QuickBox &&
bash /etc/QuickBox/setup/quickbox-setup

even box upgrade

Still ending up with:
Irssi: Downloading autodl update…

Irssi: ERROR: Updater::_notifyHandler: ex: Undefined subroutine &AutodlIrssi::updateFailed called at /home/eny0/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 585.

Irssi: ERROR: Updater::_notifyHandler: ex: Undefined subroutine &AutodlIrssi::updateFailed called at /home/eny0/.irssi/scripts/AutodlIrssi/ line 712.


Sorry for being a pain, any update on the update autodl-irssi issue please or is there a way this can be done manually until it’s fixed?


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Stil not able to upgrade…

sorry for bumping

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Yap, still not updating… :frowning:

It seems the changes were made a month ago:
but it doesn’t take affect on a new server install. Some clarification would be nice to have please :slight_smile:


Could you please update us about when it will be possible to update autodl-irssi?

Looking into it tonight.

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Many thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for the effort. :slight_smile:

Can you guys run the upgradeIRSSI command that has been included with QuickBox?



Extremely grateful :slight_smile:

Used the command upgradeIRSSI --user=USERNAMEHERE and restarted IRSSI and all is good now :slight_smile:

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