Hi All,
I am having issues with autodl-irssi just now and have been for a while, just will not download files get the error “error downloading xx could not parse http response header”
Looking online it looks as tho there was an issue with version 2.6.0 which I have installed. I tried to update this with,
cd ~/.irssi/scripts
curl -sL http://git.io/vlcND | grep -Po ‘(?<=“browser_download_url”: ")(.*-v[\d.]+.zip)’ | xargs wget --quiet -O autodl-irssi.zip
unzip -o autodl-irssi.zip
rm autodl-irssi.zip
cp autodl-irssi.pl autorun/
mkdir -p ~/.autodl
touch ~/.autodl/autodl.cfg
However this fails, but worked for others. the curl command fails for me. Is there another way that this can be updated. Even checking for updates from within the program it just fails.
Any help would be great, sorry if this has been posted before.