yesterday I updated Quickbox to last version. But today I found a problem with Autodl-irrsi:
Error downloading files. Make sure autodl-irssi is started and configured properly (eg. password, port number): Could not read file autodl.cfg: AJAX error, status: error, Exception info: Not Found
in recent weeks I have not touched anything. The only thing I did (exactly two days ago) was to change some settings in the AutoDL-irssi filters.
Any Idea? I’ve tried restarting irssi from the dashboard but I had no success. I also did a “killall irssi”, then restarted. From the rutorrent log seems to start properly (check for update, register nick on irc servers, etc…) but when I click on (for example) “filters”, it shows that error message.
EDIT: having the need to turn off 2 IRC server, I modified the autodl.cfg file. However when I try to install it (using the RESTORE command from RuTorrent) I get this error:
JsonSocket: Aborting, Timde out!
GuiServer: Error Getting JSON Data: JsonSocket Timde Out!
EDIT 2: I tried to restart autodl-irrsi; I tried to clear system mem cache and browser cache; I tried to set permission to autodl.cfg to 755 (insted of 644);
These are my settings (I never touched anything; I only changed the port in December, when I installed QuickBox ):
autodl2.cfg: (has permission 644)
gui-server-port = 49354
gui-server-password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
.rtorrent.rc: (has permission 644)
network.port_range.set =49000-55000
network.scgi.open_port = localhost:53000
$scgi_port = 5000;
$scgi_host = “”;
$autodlPort = 0;
$autodlPassword = “”;