- QuickBox sudoers will now be based from a template stored on the repo rather than exhausting awk commands. This allows better use of Alias Commands. The template can be viewed here
- RAM Widgets ‘Clean Memory Cache’ function now has the needed firing tool. Located at
To Install this update, do the following:
Heads Up!
Anytime updates are applied - it is advisable that you do so as root. To apply as root from a sudo account, simply type in su
to access the root shell. You can exit the root shell by typing exit
cd /etc/
mv sudoers sudoers.bak
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Swizards/QuickBox/qb_u_1604/sources/sudoers .
MASTER=$(cat /etc/apache2/master.txt)
sed -i "s/quickbox/$MASTER/g" /etc/sudoers
cd /srv/rutorrent
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Swizards/QuickBox/qb_u_1604/rutorrent/home/widgets/sys_data.php > /srv/rutorrent/home/widgets/sys_data.php
chown www-data:www-data -R /srv/rutorrent/home