Help with folders and disks

Hi there @micmacs,

Could you tell me if you are running a /home mount or /(root) mounted install?

Run the following command and show me the output, I will be able to tell you the instructions after I know.

Here’s the command, type it as root in ssh lsblk

I’m also still facing the problem with setdisk. I followed the steps RXWatcher brought in but I get this:

The first post i posted should resolve that problem. But i dont know what is causing the unable issue thing

@cinory, what does your /etc/fstab

My fstab file looks like this:

So should I go with Titte95’s solution?

You are using a /(root) mount, not sure why this wouldn’t be working for you unless the wrong mount was selected at install.

Try this:

quotaoff -a
service quota stop
mount -o remount /
quotacheck -auMF vfsv1
quotaon -uv /
service quota start


I performed the steps you proposed (thank you for that :)). Got no errors, so it worked, I guess. Afterwards I re-followed RXWatcher’s steps again regarding setdisk. This time there was no open quotafile error. Then I rebootet my server and connected again. But the disk usage status is still like this:

@JMSolo I tried through sudo and got this:
sudo: unable to resolve host copahk
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

Should I try a clean start? I think i´ll pay for a Guru instal to help me with my noobness, lol.

It just occurred to me… I know exactly what happened. A sneaky little update that is not being introduced until 2.3.8 somehow found it’s way into the Master branch.

Do this and see if it magically comes to life:

touch /install/.quota.lock

Just go ahead and shoot me a PM with your server details and I will address this for you.

I executed the command but nothing happend :wink: The only thing that presumably changed is the status bar for the Physical Memory Usage. It was almost max’ed out the whole time and now it’s low around 5%.

Hmm, could you upload this file to your /srv/rutorrent/home/widgets directory. Overwrite or remove the disk_data.php file already there.

disk_data.php.txt (5.9 KB)

Once you have that file uploaded to the widgets directory, do the following:

cd home/widgets
rm disk_data.php
mv disk_data.php.txt disk_data.php

Thank you so much @JMSolo @Titte95 and @RXWatcher, everything is working perfectly now.

One last thing if I may:
I installed a channel on plex called Sub-Zero. It downloads subtitles automatically from a couple of websites I trust using my login. But it´s giving me permission errors. Do you know an easy way to solve this? Perhaps giving plex permission to write files on the folders?

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You may be able to try the following. I haven’t played with Plex much lately :neutral_face:

This command is catered to your username @micmacs

usermod -a -G ${username} plex
chown ${username}:plex /home/${username}
chmod 750 /home/${username}
setfacl -m g:${username}:rwx /home/${username}

Perfect, it worked! It took me a long time to find the path of /svr/ actually, because I wanted to upload the file using FlashFXP but couldn’t find the folder. Also uploading via my ssh tool didn’t work because Ubuntu didn’t support it somehow. So I x2go’d into the server and replaced it.
Just some more tiny question: What was different about the version you gave me?
Furthermore, commands like “sudo su -”, are they documented anywhere? Because I wouldn’t know that this command gives me special rights and puts me into a different folder. I mean, I know that it gives you root permissions that are higher but that you are put into a different folder was new for me :smiley:
Is there a possibility to adjust the settings of the ftp server that comes with the script?
And a last thing (sorry to write everything into one post :smiley: ): My BTSync is down although is up:

Is this a bug?

I would say the BTSync thing probably just needs a minute to process and it should fire up.

In regards to su commands, these are just Linux variables and nothing pre-ordained by QuickBox. If you have sudo privileges you should be able to find /srv/ as it is an absolute path.

To learn more about the sudo su command. Type this in your ssh session sudo man su

The change to that file is that it adds in the needed calls to notice the .quota.lock file.

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